Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Renewed Blogging Vow, Per Say.

Hello to whoever is still following us. It's been a while, a long while in fact.

I lost the drive to blog towards the end of last year, and then our computer caught a HUGE virus and we couldn't even access the internet. We got that fixed, and it seems that the break has given me a renewed sense of excitement for blogging. I've also vowed to myself to do better.

I have this slight OCD when it comes to blogging(and other areas of my life), and always wanted things to be good and in order before I ever pressed 'Publish'. I need to get over that. Nothing will ever be perfect, and it's better that things get written down for history sake. So much has happened with our sweet little T, and it saddens me that nothing is written down. I always thought I would remember things, especially the big or crazy-stressful things. Yet I find my 'mommy memory' betraying me on said experiences.

So here is my open and public vow, I WILL do better this year. I will use this blog to keep our family history, and I WILL use this blog as my outlet from things going on in my/our lives.
So ready or not, here we go.

I hope you continue to follow us, and enjoy life as we enjoy it.


1 comment:

Rachael Stuart said...

A while back you posted a photo on instagram of you holding your little boy at Primary Children's Hospital. This photo meant so much to me. The little quilt covering your little boy was a quilt I had made and donated to the hospital. We had a little baby boy who was treated and passed away at Primary Children's, and I have made a quilt every year to remember him. I just happened to come across your instagram account, which is such a crazy coincidence. I don't know if you will ever know how much seeing that picture meant to me. I am so grateful for such a tender mercy from our Heavenly Father. Sorry for the novel... I hope you don't mind me leaving this comment I just had to tell you thank you.