Saturday, August 3, 2013

Carter turns 3

Today our first born turns 3. 
What a weird thing to say, I simply don't feel old enough to have a 3 year old!

It is crazy to me to sit back and think about how entirely our lives changed that day in 2010.
This boy has brought more joy and pain into my life than I would have thought possible.
He made me into a momma, and I will forever be grateful that me choose ME! What an honor and a privilege to bring such a special spirit into this world.

I've thought a lot today about how much our/my life have changed all because of Carter...he truly changed our path 180* and has taken us on such an amazing journey these past three years.
I've never learned more about who I am and what my purpose is in this world, or how much God truly loves me than these past few years. It's been such a blessing. Although it hasn't been an easy ride-to say the least, I wouldn't change where we have been for anything. This little boy is mine and I can not wait to get back to Heaven to be with him!

I know that Trenton knows who his older brother is, and has a love for him. It's evident in some of T's actions that Carter's spirit is not far from his brother. I truly believe that Carter is leading us, and showing us the way. As well as giving his baby brother some advice and knowledge along the way.

Had Carter not come into our lives, I am not sure how we would have been able to go through everything we have with T. I'm grateful for the people who have been brought into our lives because of our sweet angel. We have met some pretty amazing people, all thanks to Carter.
He did more missionary work in his 13 days of life, than I have in my 25 years...He has touched many people, all over the U.S. It's pretty amazing what a special little boy he is. 

We were able to make it over to the cemetery today to celebrate the birth of Carter. We let off our traditional white balloon in his honor, and sang him Happy Birthday. Then we headed out for some Reeds Dairy ice cream as a little family, to celebrate a little longer.

I'm thankful for the family, and the friends that have been by our sides every year as we do this. 
It's a little thing that means so much.

Happy Birthday baby boy, I hope you floated in the clouds tonight in celebration of your life!
We love you so much, and couldn't imagine life without you!

Till we meet again my angel.

1 comment:

Lacey Johnson said...

Happy Birthday Carter. Megan I loved those photos. My favorite was T's giant smile while Mike was asleep :) Love you and your family!