Saturday, November 10, 2012

Swallow study and ITD eval

Trenton had his swallow study yesterday morning, the results all came back just fine. 
He is eating normal. Good news!

Then yesterday afternoon we had the Infant Toddler Development (ITD) evaluation done.
Mary, the evaluation lady came over to our house to check out Trenton. He was such a flirt with her, he was all giggly and smiley for her. He scored really well on his hearing, vision, social, and verbal skills. But he came in extremely low, like if you could get a negative score he would have, on his motor skills. He lacks in his gross motor as well as his fine motor. 

Mary said they would see what the MRI had to say and then they would make a plan to the future. 
From what she could say though it looks like Trenton will be in some sort of therapy for a long while. We will know more though after the MRI comes back. 
MRI is Thursday so we will update after that. 
until then....


Stacie Couch said...

I am glad the swallow study went well and that T cooperated with the other evaluation. I am sorry it isn't wonderful news, please keep me updated! I hope you are able to find something that helps and is effective. Thinking of you!

Brittany Pickett said...

My daughter, Karli, has been in the infant toddler program since she was about five months old. She does not have the connector from her toungue to the bottom of her mouth so learning to eat was a real struggle. Now we are working on words but it is going slow. I hope the MRI turns out alright. Just thought I would let you know we were in the program too and it has helped Karli a lot. I hope it is helpful for you guys too. Good luck!