Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks

What would a Thanksgiving day be with out giving thanks, right?
There are many things that I am truly grateful for this year, far to many to name or share.
Here are a few of the things I am forever grateful for, in no order.

(1) My Heavenly Father, where in the world would I be with out him and the gospel in my life? My Heavenly Father has been by my side my whole life, through thick and thin. I haven't always appreciated the gospel or the sacrifice that He and my brother Jesus Christ have given to me. It's actually just been this year that I have felt the closest to my Savior. I am grateful for all He has given to me. With out the gospel and it's healing powers I don't know where I would be, honestly.

(2) My Husband, he is my rock. My best friend. My everything.
There really isn't much more I need to say about this man, my life would be empty with out him, I wouldn't have had so many wonderful blessings in my life had we not have gotten married. He has stood by my side and put up with a lot since we started dating{5 years ago!!!}, and I am so grateful for him. I love you babe!

(3)My baby, Carter; your my sweet spirit. You have blessed my life in several ways and continue to do so to this day. With out you I would be going in a different direction. I'm eternally grateful that I get to be your mommy, that you are mine forever, and that one day we will be an eternal family! Thank You for doing all you have done for me! I LOVE YOU!

(4) My families, I have so much family it's insane!!! Our families really have been with us through everything this year and they all have helped out so much! We received so many wonderful gifts, cards, money, support, and love after Carter that they all will never know how appreciative we are for each and every one of them! and we love them all!

(5) the temple, charity work, and my brother;
*with out the opportunity to go to the temple and share in the lords work I would bare a lot of burden upon myself. I cherish those sacred times to participate in the Lords work.
*"Charity never failth", this has become a close quote to me. it's a motto for my life. With out so many people giving me charity, I wouldn't have learned the true meaning of the word.
*Jordan has been gone for 16 months, it's been such a great this for him and for our family to have him serving the Lord preaching the gospel to the people of Chile. He is an example to me, and I strive to be like him! He is a friend to all, and loves everyone.

and last but totally not least,
(6) My friends, you all know who you are. Each of you have blessed and strengthened my life. Several of you have been through a lot with me, and some of you have been through less but still difficult times with me. I'm grateful you have stood next to me, lifting me up and at times dragging me along the path. Your angels in my life! You'll never know just how much all the 'little' things you do for me mean. The text, calls, gifts, ext after Carter passed to see if I was OK, to go walking and talking with me, to just sit with me, to go shopping with me when I was so totally numb and out of it, to jump in front of me to talk to others to help avoid more pain for me, to let me cry on you or with you, to hold my hand and tell me it's going to be OK, and for many many other things THANK YOU!!! I love you all!!!


Stacie Couch said...

I love Thanksgiving posts :) We have so much to be grateful for! I love you too Megan!!

The Dillons said...

This is a great post Megan! I am very grateful for you and how strong your testimony is. The things you write on this blog have strengthened my testimony and I thank you for that! You have so many wonderful people in your life! Your group of friends rock and I am glad they have been there for you with everything!

Oh My Lou said...

Megan!!! I just love you! I think about you often and I hope things are getting better for you and Mike! You two are awesome!!! We really need to catch up! You guys ever coming to Utah? Let me know I would love to get together! Tell Mike hi for me! I love you megan!