Thursday, November 1, 2007 costume required

haha ok so my mom hates Halloween...she sees NO point to it, after all i mean it is the "devils holiday" haha and so therefore she has NEVER dressed up...not even a little bit! but oh wait, this year she did...what? you say, well my home ward has this night for all the ladies and it's called "witches night out" and everyone HAS to wear a witches costume....well my mom's friends where the hosts of it, so she had to go. so this year she actually bought a costume!!!! i know..WOW you are saying right haha she looked cute...and not to pat myself on the back or anything but i totally did her hair and make up...amazingly i might add. haha so yeah here are some pics of the end result....sorry they are a little blurry..stupid camera!

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